It’s the Little Things that Keep Us Going

These past weeks of navigating through our new reality with COVID-19 have certainly been trying for everyone. One of my take-aways from this time has been to try to appreciate the “little things”. Because some days when the news report is really bad… or your kids are really bored & cranky at home… or your summer vaca is canceled because it’s not safe to travel… or you know someone who’s actually suffering from the virus… finding joy in a “little thing” is what keeps you grounded.

Everyone’s “little things” will vary, of course. The list is infinite, so I won’t even attempt to capture it here. (But please send me yours if you like!) As it relates to home… the “little things” translate to accessory items. Accessories are those small touches that make a big difference.

Accessories give a home personality. They’re the signature on your residence. They tell a story about the people who live there. Consider accessorizing, in the spirit of celebrating the “little things”.

Sourcing & selecting accessories for you virtually is easy to accomplish. I’m here & ready to help. But FYI… in June I started offering in-home consultations again! Yes, there will be masks and appropriate levels of social distancing. But we can finally get eye-to-eye, if that’s your preference. Whether you opt for a virtual or live consult:

All accessories will be 10% off & include FREE delivery-to-your-door in June.


Everyone stay home, stay healthy, and try to stay sane!


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